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Robotics courses get up and running at Ipurua

The course registration period has been extended in view of the levels of interest shown

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The Robotics courses for school children, organised by the SD Eibar Foundation and Wiko, got underway yesterday, 18 October, at the Ipurua Training Centre.

These workshops will run throughout the school year and are aimed at children and youths aged 8 to 17 years. The registration period has been extended in view of the levels of interest shown in joining the already-established groups (Tuesdays 17:00-18:40 and Wednesdays 17:00-19:00).

The courses are set to run over a period of three months and involve approximately 20 teaching hoursThe cost per student is 70 per course and registration is to be completed online via www.sdeibar/robotika

The objective of the initiative is to bring school pupils from Eibar and the surrounding area into contact with a discipline like robotics, which is occupying an increasingly important place in their daily lives with every passing day.

Robotics is a subject which is beginning to be taught in schools, where the robots occupy the role of educational and didactic resources, providing the boys and girls with a fun way of familiarising themselves with the world of programming.

The subject represents a unique means to create mental structures, as pupils are faced with daily challenges and promotes learning and innovation across all areas.

The course programme:

In the first term, which runs from October to December 2016, sessions will focus on Robotics. The following three levels of robotics classes are designed for the following  three age groups and can be taught at the same time on the same day.

R2D2 (8-9 years)

MECCANO (10-13 years)

ROBOCOP (14-17 years)

In the second and third terms, the courses on offer will become wider in scope, with a more in-depth look at robotics, the creation and use of drones, as well as an introduction to the design of video games.