Announcement of call to the General Shareholders' Meeting
Announcement of call to the General Shareholders' Meeting
By agreement dated 10 April 2017, the Board of Directors of "Sociedad Deportiva Eibar, Public Limited Sports Company" (the "Company"), resolved to call a Shareholders' Extraordinary Meeting, to be held on first call on 31 May 2017 at 19:00pm at the Frontón Astelena, 13, calle Isasi, Eibar, and as the case may be, on second call on 1 June 2017, at 19:00pm at the same venue, with a view to deliberating and resolving on the items contained in the following
One.- Appointment of members to the board of directors.
Two.- Reading and approval, as the case may be, of the minutes of the meeting.
Announcement of the call to attend: In accordance with Article 15 of the Bylaws, this notice convening the General Meeting of Shareholders will be published on the website of the Company, at least a month prior to the date set for the Meeting, in accordance with Article 176 of the Capital Companies Act.
Attendance and representation of shareholders: In accordance with Article 15 of the Bylaws, all shareholders that have their shareholding recorded in the Nominative Shares Register of the company at least five days prior to the date on which the Meeting is to be held, may personally attend General Meetings or be represented thereat by another person, even if that person is not a shareholder.
For this purpose, the Company will provide each shareholder entitled to attend the General Shareholders' Meeting with a nominative card of attendance ("attendance and proxy card") to give them access to the building in which the General Meeting is to be held and which indicates the number of shares they hold. In the event that this card is not received, shareholders are asked to contact the Company via the following email address: socios@sdeibar.com.
Every shareholder who has the right to attend may be represented at the General Meeting by means of another person, even if that person is not a shareholder. Said representation must be conferred using the proxy form on the attendance and proxy card, which (i) shall be submitted or sent to the Company's address (ii) shall be submitted or sent to the Notary Office of Mrs Mª Dolores García Sillero (12, Calle Ego-Gain, Eibar) or (iii) shall be submitted to the representative who attends the General Meeting on your behalf.
In order to accredit the identity of shareholders and their valid representatives, persons entering the building where the General Meeting is to be held shall be asked for their attendance card and the original delegation, as well as their national identity document or any other official document generally accepted for such purposes.
Right to information:Pursuant to Article 197.1 of the Capital Companies Act, shareholders may request the information or clarifications they deem appropriate from the board in relation to the items included on the agenda for the General Meeting or may pose any questions that they consider appropriate in writing up to seven days before the date on which the meeting is to be held.
Presence of a Notary: In accordance with Article 203 of the Capital Companies Act, the Board of Directors has resolved to demand the presence of a Notary to draw up the minutes of the Meeting.
Staging of the General Shareholders' Meeting: Shareholders are informed that it is likely that the Meeting will be held on the second call.
Eibar, 11 April 2017.- The president of the board of directors