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2014 General Shareholders' Meeting

2014 Shareholders General Meeting

Agreements reached in the shareholders AGM of Sociedad Deportiva Eibar S.A.D, which took place in Eibar on November 20th 2014:

•Approval of the Club Balance, Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity and Progress Report for the fiscal year ending on 30th June 2014.

•Approval of profits for the fiscal year ending 30th June 2014 which has been put forward by the club´s administrators in the Progress Report.

•Totalled a surplus of "four hundred and fifty six thousand, one hundred and seventy five euros and ninety five cents" (€456,175.95).

•Approval of the management of the Board of Directors, and that of every board member in the period up until 30th June 2014.

•Agreement to sanction the budget for the next fiscal year: 1/7/2014 – 30/6/2015Approval of new members appointed to the Board of Directors.

•Agreement to modify articles 3 and 5 of the Social Statutes, in order to incorporate the denomination "web corporativa".